道歉信给女朋友:英语:应用文写作-道歉信 2024-09-12 20:14:00 0 0 道歉信 1.写作攻略 道歉信主要是向收信人表明歉意,请求对方谅解自己的过失。写道歉信时要明确不是找借口为自己辩护,而是承认自己的过错并提出弥补过错的具体建议和方法。此类信件的关键是用词准确,表达真诚。具体写作步骤: 首段:重述自己做错的事,表示歉意。 主体段落:说明道歉的具体原因,应尽量详细描述做错事的经过。写信时应该注意在申述理由时要照顾读信人的感受,切忌强词夺理。 结尾段:再次表明承认错误的态度,请求收信人的谅解。也可以提出补救的办法。 2.必背模版句型 I would like to give you my apology for…… 对于……我向你道歉。 Please accept my sincere apology for…… 请接受我关于……的真诚道歉。 I am indeed very sorry for what I said/did,but believe I had no intention to insult you. 对于我说的话/做过的事,我确实感到很抱歉。但请相信,我并非要故意侮辱你。 Let''s not put a little misunderstanding between us. 可别让我们之间存在哪怕一点点的误解。 Please forgive me for a stupid choice of words. 请原谅我的用词不当。 I feel badly sorry about it and want you to know what happened. 我为此感到非常内疚,所以想让你知道实情。 Please accept my apologies for my oversight. 请原谅我的疏忽。 Please allow me to say sorry again. 请允许我再次表示歉意。 I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. 我真心希望你能理解我的处境,并接受我的道歉。 Once again,I''m sorry for any inconvenience caused. 再一次,我为所有的不便表示歉意。 3.必背经典范文 Dear professor Jackson: I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination you gave on Moby-Dick last Wednesday. I feel badly about it and want you to know what happened. On my way to class that day,I had a flat tire,and I had to go with the mechanic when he repaired it. It took me more than one hour to get it done. A copy of the bill is enclosed. I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again,I''m sorry fro any inconvenience caused. Sincerely yours, Alice 译文 亲爱的杰克逊教授: 对于上周三错过了《白鲸》一课的考试我深表歉意。我很内疚,所以希望您能知道到底发生了什么。 那天上学的路上,我的汽车爆胎了。我不得不去找汽修工一起修理,花了一个多小时的时间才修好。我已经将账单放在附件中。 我真心希望您能理解我的处境,并接受我的道歉。我希望你能给我一次补考的机会。星期一上班时间,我将到您的办公室和您谈这件事的可行性。我为造成的不便再次表示歉意。 您的学生:艾丽丝 收藏(0)