考研报考原因英语,考研原因英文 2024-12-29 16:20:44 0 0 面试英语口语:你为什么选择这个专业? 如果是问在校学的专业,用 subject;如果是问工作职业,用profession。译出来就是 Why did you choose this subject? Why did you choose this profession? 考研复试英文面试问你为什么选择本校如何回答? 关键点: 1) 导师们不愿听到的: ①母校不好; ②本校好考; ③父母的意愿 2) 导师们能够接受的: ① 城市魅力; ② 离家远/近; ③院校吸引力 参考模板: I prefer to study in this university for 3 reasons. First, I love this city. 介绍这个城市独特的魅力. It is also far away from my hometown. In the past 20 years, I have never lived by myself. I would like to take this opportunity to be independent. // it is also very close to my hometown. So I can still be together with my parents and take good care of them. They are growing aged and need my accompany. Second, I should say I love this university very much. When I came here for the first time I was deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere and the faculty. In addition, your university enjoys a good reputation in this field. I think as one of the most famous 专 业 in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further enrichments. 我是英语专业的学生考研是什么意思,我要准备什么,什么时候准备? 确定自己的报考专业1、考研就是大四第一学期初(9月)报名参加次年1月的全国统一的硕士研究生入学考试,然后分数上线就可以去报考学校参加复试,被录取后则在本科毕业再去报考学校就读高一层次的硕士研究生的学历教育。 2、准备事项,如果报考本校的研究生则大三下学期开始也不迟、报考学硕还是专硕、报考的目标学校。明确后就可以去拟报考学校官网查看专业目录等信息,了解初复试科目、大纲或指定书目、复试分数线及要求等。 3、一般是大三开始准备,具体要看自己打算报考什么学校以及个人的学习能力和成绩,如果报考清华、北大等名校则大三第一学期就要开始 收藏(0)